Armed With Techno, Vilnius DJs Are Taking On The Worlds Autocrats

It's one of the most left-wing music releases of the year, but Sound of Freedom, the dictator's speech album, is timely against propaganda and censorship.

The Antidote Community, a group of independent electronic music producers and DJs based in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, home to a dynamic and thriving world of electronic music, has produced an electronic music album as a manifesto against world dictatorships.

The album, titled Sound of Freedom , combines quotes from dictators with beats of techno music historically used in protests against anti-democratic regimes over the years.

Antidote project director Edmunds Pukorius said the album reflected people's belief in the transformative power of culture, particularly electronic music.

Musical performances and electronic music have been used as a form of resistance and national unity since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, including the cleansing of the country's Independence Day and the rebuilding of the devastated region of Vilnius.

For the first time since 2004, there are more authoritarian states than democracies in the world. “People who are ruled by a dictator fall into the trap of information: propaganda, censorship and false narratives,” said Bokorius.

"In Sound of Freedom, seven music producers directly challenged these dictators to send a message of hope and freedom through their words, a move that would surely ban recordings in dictatorial regimes."

The album and cover were presented this week at Vilnius Open Air, a unique open-air art exhibition in the city's New Town.

Titled The Ultimate Dictator , this artwork is an AI-generated photo montage that combines the faces of 40 dictators.

angry face

“We want to define the face of crime. To do this, we rank countries using data from several independent indicators of freedom and democracy. The forty worst performing countries were selected. We then used visual AI tools to rank these dictators. get the last dictator. He turns face into face. , which is used as the basis for creating a work of art,” explained Bokorius.

The work was written by Pijus eikauskas and the drawings are taken from a brick wall, evoking an image similar to George Orwell's "Big Brother" from the dystopian novel 1984 .

The image is covered in bright yellow markings, indicating that the dictatorial regime must act quickly to avoid being caught by the image-distorting protesters.

This latest addition to the Open Gallery is featured as part of the Loftas Festival '22, various performances by many different musicians and art installations taking place in a converted factory and industrial estate.

Loftus features the largest street art gallery in Vilnius, constantly updated with new works by world-renowned muralists.

Freedom audio can be streamed on Soundcloud or Bandcamp.

Photo: Edmundos Bocurius

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