Techno Titan Richie Hawtin On Bringing The Noise For Prada

Techno Titan Richie Hawtin On Bringing The Noise For Prada

Sorry for the fanboying, but this is the first time I've heard you live since a night at Pure , probably around 1994…

Only one was clean! And the name speaks for itself. The 90s were just pure; there was no noise, no money, if you just wanted a good night and loved techno music, this is where you came. And that is the beauty of the dance floor, in the ideal sense of what it should be. It is a place where strange souls meet and bond. It can be a powerful experience.

How did you first end up on the dance floor?

It was the end of the 80s, I was in Canada, opposite Detroit. So, when I was 14, 15, I was going to the city for concerts, and then I found incredible techno and dance floors. I found music on Detroit radio and started looking for record stores and clubs. I was a nervous, withdrawn kid who loved music and computers, then I found my freedom on the dance floor and with many other nerds like me.

The scene was so exciting that, of course, it quickly moved from underground to underground and commercialized. How do you perceive culture today?

I think it's really interesting how welcoming and safe the dance floor was in the 90s and how that was one of the things we lost as it got bigger and bigger. But now there is such a renaissance and a new generation is coming, which is again making the dance floor a place of communication and a safe space for everyone... Music should be a force that brings happiness and an outlet.

So, in addition to organizing the next party, you're also organizing the lineup. What's the plan?

Well, this is the third Prada Extends and the idea is that each night reflects the culture and the country. So here in Miami we want to explore and celebrate some of the Latin roots here and consider the melting pot that is Miami. It will be an evening of techno, house, vocals and minimal beats... and going back to the power of the dance floor, I think that music and fashion have a common mission - albeit in different languages ​​- to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves. who we are and who we would like to be.

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